Idea Protection...
Below are our articles on the subject of Idea Protection. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

Conflicts of Interest
Depending on the genesis and context of your invention and the companies or institutions which support, employ or fund you, various conflicts of interest may arise,…...

Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988
This article looks at the Copyrights, Designs and Patents Act 1988...

Intellectual Property Protection
This article looks at the ways in which you can protect your Intellectual Property from being exploited by other companies or manufacturers....

Non-Disclosure Agreements
Non-disclosure agreements should be part of all inventors' negotiations with potential manufacturers, business partners, investors and suppliers: this article looks at…...

Proving You Were First to Invent
While the UK patent system is based on 'first to file' rather than 'first to invent', keeping a notebook or logbook can still be useful for an inventor. This article…...

Securing a Licensing Agreement For Your Invention
Licensing your invention to a manufacturer or retailer is a common route to market for inventors. This article looks at some of the different forms a licensing…...

A distinctive name and identity for your invention can help market its unique benefits and set it apart from the competition. This article looks at what trademarks…...

Understanding Copyrights as a Budding Inventor
A basic understanding of copyright is worthwhile for inventors, since whilst it doesn't cover inventions, copyright plays an important part in the creation and use of…...

Value of a Product Evaluation
An important phase in making the progress from inventor to entrepreneur is to understand your invention as a product, part of a market. Evaluating the value of your…...