Business Plans...
Below are our articles on the subject of Business Plans. If you can't see what you are looking for our other categories are displayed on the left under 'Our Quick Links'...

All About Share Options Schemes
This article looks at share options and how they can benefit staff and their family members and also raise much needed capital for your business...

Balance Sheets
Using a balance sheet to record the progress of your invention as a business can be a good way to keep tabs on your finances, as well as helping your understanding of…...

Becoming an Entrepreneur
Transforming yourself from inventor to entrepreneur is the crucial part of turning your invention into a business, and you may need to change the way you think as well…...

Break Even Analysis
The point at which your invention business will break even is something which needs to be taken into account when planning how you’ll proceed taking your ideas further…...

Capital Equipment and Supply List
Depending on the nature of your invention, you may need workshop equipment to produce prototypes. Deciding what you need to buy, and what you can rent or have done…...

Finding a Manufacturer
Manufacturing an invention is a process that requires careful thought. Many people use Chinese factories, but need to ensure that any contract has an element of…...

Five Business Strategies for Your Invention
A successful inventor needs a business strategy. This should cover areas such as online marketing, effective communication and customer focus....

Getting Help From a Business Mentor
Inventing can be a lonely and difficult business. A business mentor can give much-needed practical advice and help that saves time and resolves problems....

Income Tax Actions/Considerations
This article looks at why we pay Income Tax, how we pay it and what happens if we do not pay enough...

Invention Promoters
Using external invention promoters is rarely the best course for a new inventor: the success rate is very low, and the only guarantee is high fees. It's entirely…...

Loan Applications For Your Invention
Thinking about and presenting your invention as part of a new business, is important to securing a favourable loan, and in the process is crucial to transforming you…...

Making Ends Meet: How to Survive Your First Year in Business?
How do you make it through your first year in business? What areas of the business should you concentrate on? Here we offer practical advice on how to keep your…...

New Product Income Projections
Depending on how you go about turning your invention into a business, your income projections can be rather simple or very complex. This article takes a brief look at…...

Presenting the Product
Learning to present your invention as a product, part of a credible business, will help you become more confident in yourself as well as impriving your invention's…...

Product Definition and Specifications
Putting together a specification for your invention allows you to see it as a product, in the context of the market. The PDS method takes the inventor through the…...